terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

Like it was in the days of Sodom

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Like it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Like it was in the days of Sodom an...

The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah are forever etched in the region of the Dead Sea. They are a reminder of the absolute destruction that can take place when inhabitants of the earth give themselves over to the lust of the flesh. In this day the landslide of immorality in Israel is rampant, even in the very place these two cities were destroyed. The Lord led our ministry down to the Dead Sea in order to reach Israelis with the good news of Yeshua.

“Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.” Genesis 19:24. See photos:
Pure sulphur. Evidence of God’s wrath in Sodom and Gomorrah.
mt sodom
The mountian of Sodom.
lots wife
The site believed to be where Lot’s wife turned to salt because of her disobedience.

After praying the Holy Spirit directed Zev to a resort area. Here, it was evident that many people were living a lifestyle just as they were in the days leading up to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was very sad to see young people drinking and using bongs. Some were even in the company of their parents.

Zev noticed two men that were engaging homosexual activity near the water. He walked up and handed them a Bible DVD. See photos:


“Do you believe the Holy Bible?” Zev Asked. Alex and Boris both said yes so Zev began to share how much God loves them. Alex explained that they know this is true and even said it’s why he and Boris love each other. Zev replied, “God loves you and does not want you to perish in the lake of Fire.

Alex and Boris

He sensed the conviction of their abominable lifestyle was upon them as he opened the Bible and read in Hebrew, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltiness is upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13)

After Zev read this, both Boris and Alex looked stunned. Zev said to them, “God wants you to turn from your sin and lead a life that honors Him.” Boris replied, “That was a long time ago. It doesn’t mean He will do it again.” Zev then reminded them that they both said they believe the Bible. He turned to the prophet Malachi 4:1 and read, “Certainly the day is coming! It will burn like a furnace. All arrogant people and all evildoers will be like straw. The day is coming that will set them on fire, says the Lord Almighty.”

After hearing the Word, Alex and Boris were both embarrassed and frightened. Please pray for them and all the people that heard the Gospel and received Bibles and Bible DVDs that day. Pray they would realize their need to repent and return to God through the only Door possible, Yeshua the Messiah.

mary jane
Zev sharing the good news of Yeshua with people smoking marijuana.
arab fam
Lian handing out Bible DVDs to an Arab family.

Our ministry will continue to share the love, forgiveness, mercy, and gift of Eternal life with the people of Israel until the end of the age!

Please consider helping us, through prayer and financial support, reach more people like Boris and Alex with the good news of Yeshua.

Click below for your donation:


Update: “Missionary! Leave th...

The city of Bnei Brak is not your everyday suburb of Tel Aviv. In fact, it’s the largest ultra-orthodox Jewish center in the world. Obviously, sharing the gospel there isn’t something that goes over too well and, to be sure, it’s not exactly a focus of activity for believers who desire to make Yeshua known in the land of Israel. The people are isolated from the truth and Zev Porat, who was born in Bnei Brak, has a strong calling to bring the legitimacy of the King of Israel to his home town.

However, this calling is a dangerous endeavor. The last time our ministry was there they experienced severe persecution. Below is a video that caught a small portion of the harassment that took place. What is not seen on the clip is the physical violence that ensued and Zev, along with the other witnesses, being run out of town. See video:

Last week Zev and Lian ventured back into the city. As they entered they began to fervently pray for protection and guidance. The Passover feast is rapidly approaching and the Spirit directed them to speak about the Passover Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. See photos:

The Holy Spirit guided Zev to speak about the Passover inside the Yeshiva.

In traditional Passover services around the world, there is a section of the event that is called the Afikoman. At this time in the Seder, three pieces of matza (unleavened bread) are placed in a bag with three compartments. The middle piece is taken out and broken into two pieces. The larger piece, called the Afikomen, is hidden somewhere and the smaller piece is placed back into the middle compartment of the bag. At the end of the service the children hunt for the Afikomen and when it is discovered they can “redeem” it for a prize.

Interestingly, this custom is not well understood in Judaism today nor do many people know the origin of the practice. One could celebrate Passover all their life and not know the meaning of the Greek word Afikomen, which means “He came.”

Zev began to speak to a Rabbi and one of his students. Zev asked Rabbi Moran the meaning of the word Afikomen. The rabbi responded that it represents the dessert because it is the last piece of food eaten at Passover. Zev spoke with authority as he opened the Bible to Isaiah 53. He showed him how the Afikomen represents our broken Messiah that came, just as the prophet Isaiah explains. It also portrays His second coming and that He will be found as the redeemer of Israel! Hallelujah!

Please pray for Rabbi Moran, his student, and all the Jews that were listening to Zev.

Zev speaking to Rabbi Moran and his student about the Afikoman.

Zev praying in the name of Yeshua as an Orthodox man shouted, "Missionary leave this City!"

Zev is well known among the anti-missionary groups in Israel and his concern was that he would be spotted by one of their members. As he continued to proclaim Yeshua someone exclaimed, “Missionary! Leave this city! You are a disgrace to the Jewish people!” Immediately Zev began to pray aloud in the name of Yeshua and the man essentially froze as he was convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Zev realized the hand of God was protecting him and he continued to preach the good news to the people of Bnei Brak. Close to a hundred people heard that Yeshua is the Messiah and four actually asked to meet with Zev at a later date and of course in another place.

Zev sharing the Afikoman with drivers in traffic in Bnei Barak.

We urge you to pray for the people of Bnei Brak. Please pray that as they celebrate Passover, the story of how the Israelites in Egypt were saved by the blood of the lamb from the angel of death many years ago, they would realize it is only by the blood of the perfect Lamb that was sacrificed for our transgressions they can be saved from eternal death.

Consider helping us this Passover season to continue to tell people about Yeshua in Bnei Brak and all throughout the Land of Israel.

Please click here for your Passover Gift : http://salvationforisrael.org/donate/

Update:Salvation for Israel Ministr...

Salvation for Israel Ministries:
Bringing Shalom to the People of Jaffa

Jaffa, Israel.

The city of Jaffa is a short walk from Tel Aviv. Our ministry led a group of believers down to the ancient city to hand out Bibles and Bible DVD’s. As they went, the group began to pray and intercede for the lost souls they would encounter. See photo:

There were many people enjoying the day by walking around the streets and along the shore so it was a great opportunity to make contact with Israelis. We handed out many Bibles and had some good conversations.

One of the wonderful aspects of the work we do is being able to truly love people and take an interest in their lives. We are compelled to make contact with people and establish a relationship with them in order to have future encounters. At times the Lord will lead us to share the gospel with someone immediately and sometimes at a later date. In this line of work, it is imperative we operate in the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we allow ourselves to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord.

One such encounter happened when Zev noticed a couple sitting on a bench in Jaffa arguing. Generally he would not interfere in such a personal moment between a husband and wife but he felt a very strong urging from the Spirit to confront them. “Shalom! I have a gift for you,” Zev said with a smile as he offered a Bible and DVD. See photo:

Zev giving out Bibles and DVDs while sharing the Love of Yeshua with Eliazer and his wife.

The man replied, “I don’t need your gift, I need a new life.” His wife agreed, “Yes, I’m tired of arguing all the time.” Zev introduced himself and lovingly expressed that it was God who prompted him to approach them. “The Lord loves you and wants you to know that He desires for you and your wife to experience peace in your marriage.” “What does this have to do with the Bible? Even though I’m not religious, I studied the Bible for many years and it doesn’t talk about this.” Zev’s new friend, Eliazer, replied.

At that point Zev opened the Word and said to them that marriage is a covenant created by God, so He cares about their marriage. One of the Scriptures he showed them was from the book of Genesis, “And the rib that the Lord God had taken from man he made into a woman and brought her to the man,” (Genesis 2:22 ESV)

He also revealed to Eliazer that being harsh to his wife is not honoring God. He showed them a verse from the prophet Malachi, “…. the Lord has been witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously; yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant.” (Malachi 2:14 NKJV)

You could sense a spirit of calmness between Eliazer and his wife as Zev read these Scriptures. Ora, Eliazer’s wife, asked Zev what shall they do in order to restore their marriage. He encouraged them to read the Bible together daily and pray to God for revelation. Eliazer asked Zev if it would be ok if they stayed in touch. Please pray that as Eliazer and Ora read the Bible the Lord will speak to their heart about their marriage and about the One who can give them much more than just a peaceful marriage; Yeshua!

As the day progressed many conversations occured. Zev and others from the group had a number of oppurtunities to speak to people about Yeahua.

Zev revealing Yeshua to Shimon fromPsalms 2.
Israelis receiving Bible DVDs.

Lian handing the gift of life a woman.
Many heard the Gospel in Jaffa.

Join with us in prayer for the entire city of Jaffa. Jaffa is a place in which God has done many wonders. He even used Kefa (Peter) in the book of Acts to raise a woman from the dead. When this event happened, many people in Jaffa put their trust in the Lord. (Acts 9:42)

May the Lord display many signs and wonders in Jaffa and all throughout the Land of Israel by the faithful witness of Zev and other believers in this day!

Pray for Eli’s Salvation.


Happy Purim! From Salvation for Isr...

The Purim Holiday is a story of deliverance of the Jewish people from evil oppression as recorded in the book of Esther. We know today the Jewish people are under both physical oppression by the nations around them and spiritual oppression raging against their very souls as they are blinded to the reality of the Messiah Yeshua. But God, as we race toward the end of the age, is in the business of rescuing His people!
Here is a fresh report from the field as we went out to proclaim the news of The Great Deliver. See photos:

Zev showing God's Word to an Orthodox man in costum.

One Jewish man rejects the Word. Pray for the Salvation of Israel.

Purim Festival in Israel.

As Zev was handing out free Bibles and DVDs to people who were celebrating Purim in the park, one family wanted to know why he was doing this. See photo:

David and his family heard Psalms 2 and received Bible DVDS.

“God loves you and wants to speak to you through His word.” Zev responded. One of the family members named David said he has a fifteen year old son who is in a wheelchair. “I pray every day but God refuses to heal my son or listen to my prayers so please don’t tell me He wants to speak to me through His Word. In fact, I’m probably just going to forget about praying to Him all together!” Zev answered, “God loves you and your son Roni. He wants to do a miracle in your life just as he did with Ester and the Jewish people in Persia.”

David and his family wanted to know what they need to do to receive a miracle. Zev explained to them that the greatest miracle that God wants to give them is the miracle of Salvation. If they turn from their sin and understand that it is only by the grace of God provided through the work of His Son they can truly be delivered into the age to come.

Zev also explained that the only Son of God he is speaking of is the Messiah that is prophesied in Psalms 2:7-8, “You are My Son; I have fathered you this day. Ask of Me and I will make the nations your domain” (JPS Tanakh). Praise God! David took the Bible and DVDs and said to Zev that he wants to read about this Son in Psalms 2 and other messianic prophicies that Zev underlined.

Please pray that God will move in the life of David, his son, and the rest of his family. Pray that God will reveal to them through the Holy Spirit that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel.

See the pictures below as the team handed out hundreds of free Bibles and DVDs. They continued to spread the Good News everywhere:

A family recieving free Bible DVDs.

This family was happy to hear that God loves them and gladly received Bibles.

More seeds planted.

Here, a man is saying to Zev that God is not here anymore. Pray for his salvation.


Jewish people from South Africa heard and received the word of God.

Esther 4:14 reads, “…if you keep silent in this crisis, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another quarter…” (JPS Tanakh). We know that God will deliver the Jewish people. Please join us in this significant work of blessing Israel with the message of the Great Rescuer.
Please click here to help us not keep silent in this spiritual crisis:http://salvationforisrael.org/donate/

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